
Garchomp / Cynthia

Feb 02
8 Pokémon
6 Items
4 Supporters
Druddigon - Mythical Island #056 [U]
x 2
Gabite - Space-Time Smackdown #122 [U]
x 2
Garchomp - Space-Time Smackdown #123 [R]
x 2
Gible - Space-Time Smackdown #121 [C]
x 2
Cynthia - Space-Time Smackdown #152 [U]
x 2
Giant Cape - Space-Time Smackdown #147 [U]
x 2
Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]
x 2
Pokémon Communication - Space-Time Smackdown #146 [U]
x 2
Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]
x 2
X Speed - PROMO-A #002 [C]
x 2

Its really simple, just use druddigon as a tank and try to get youre garchomp setup

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