

Triumphant Light expansion added.
All new EX cards have had their Archetypes added, and more card archetypes will be added in the coming days. The Deck Tier List has also been given a preliminary update in response to Space-Time Smackdown.
Space-Time Smackdown expansion added.
Added type filters to Decks list and Archetypes list.
Added expansion filter to Cards list
Mythical Island expansion added
Mythical Island added to Collection Tracker, updated Cards list.
Collection Tracker mew counter fixed, big thanks to community member Padilin!
Blaine archetype analysis added
Collection Tracker now displays progress towards unlocking Mew
Lapras EX archetype analysis added
Moltres EX archetype analysis added, Starmie EX Starmie EX added, Charizard EX Charizard EX added, 18 Trainers archetype analysis added
Blaine archetype analysis added, Alakazam Starmie EX added, Arbok Lock archetype analysis added, Koga archetype analysis added, Machamp EX Machamp EX added
Blastoise EX archetype analysis added, Arcanine EX Arcanine EX added, Marowak EX Marowak EX added
Decks now show what cards you own or are missing based on your collection (account required).
Users can now directly input the number of cards in the Collection Tracker.
Added Collection Showcase and sharing/public link and friend id support to Collection Tracker
Added pack rate info to card pages Pikachu ex
Melmetal archetype analysis added.
Expansion view added to Collection Tracker, making it easier to add cards and see what you're missing.
Pikachu ex Pikachu EX added.
Deck Archetypes added.
Deck builder added, must be logged in to create/share.
Decks page added.