Pikachu EX

Pikachu ex stands as the game's most consistent attacker, dealing 90 damage for just two Energy. The strategy is straightforward: fill your bench with Lightning Pokémon and let Pikachu ex lead the charge from the active position.
Recent updates have been a bit of a mixed bag for poor Pikachu EX. New Electric cards like Pachirisu ex - A2 #061 [RR] and
Magnezone - A2 #053 [R] have managed to breathe new life into the archetype, but the rise of Fighting Types with cards like
Lucario - A2 #092 [R] and
Gallade EX have also made it a bit riskier to use, as has
Giant Cape - A2 #147 [U] due to making it harder for Pikachu EX to begin breaking through early-game walls.
Pikachu ex + ElectrodeGo to Deck

The most popular build based on tournament results.
An aggressive version that aims for early wins, using Electrode as a backup X Speed to maintain momentum after Sabrina's disruption. Zapdos ex and Pikachu ex serve as retreat options to protect your damaged Pokémon.
Pikachu ex + Lt. SurgeGo to Deck

Raichu dominates mirror matches with its KO dealing damage. X Speed plus Lt. Surge enables rotations to a fresh Raichu or Zapdos ex.
Pikachu ex + ZebstrikaGo to Deck

Zebstrika's Thunder Spear sniping and Electrode create opportunities to pick off weakened retreaters, letting you trade favorably with one-prize Pokémon until your ex heavy-hitters can clean up late game.
Pikachu ex + Magneton + RaichuGo to Deck

A less consistent version utilizing Magneton's Volt Charge ability, making it a useful addition to Lt. Surge. Magneton functions best as an energy acceleration engine rather than a main attacker. Magnemite is a passable turn-one attacker, but note it's two-Energy retreat cost.