Upgraded Blaine/ Blaine EX
![Arcanine ex - Genetic Apex #041 [RR]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_000410_00_WINDIEex_RR_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Blaine - Genetic Apex #221 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000130_00_KATSURA_U_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Farfetch’d - Genetic Apex #198 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_001980_00_KAMONEGI_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Growlithe - Genetic Apex #039 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_000390_00_GARDIE_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Ponyta - Genetic Apex #042 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_000420_00_PONYTA_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Rapidash - Genetic Apex #043 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_000430_00_GALLOP_U.png?width=367&height=512)
![Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000030_00_MONSTERBALL_C_Full-1.png?width=367&height=512)
![X Speed - PROMO-A #002 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000020_00_SPEEDER_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Giovanni - Genetic Apex #223 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000150_00_SAKAKI_U_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000040_00_HAKASENOKENKYU_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Sabrina - Genetic Apex #225 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000170_00_NATSUME_U_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
While the removal of Ninetails seems weird it is because Ninetails while it can reach a 120 threshold to meet pickachu ex it exclusively needs Blaine to do it. So, by removing the Ninetails line and swap it for a Arcanine Ex line, already we can hit Pickachu ex and as a plus not lose energy tempo. Additionally, because we can use an attack that does not need Blaine to hit 120, we can actually knockout the second most important part of Pickachu decks, Zapdoes EX. With Giovanni and an Arcanine EX, Zapdoes Ex is a knockout and the decision of when, where, and who to use Baine becomes far easier as our only target becomes Rapidash. If we are to go second and start with Ponyta we can hit with 20 then subsequently on turn 2 with Blaine activated hit for 70 with Rapidash totaling 90 damage. 90 damage is nothing to sneeze at at turn 2, look at Starmie ex who hits for equivalent damage at the same speed if going first. This burst of early damage is great at putting big pressure on your opponent. Baine early, Blaine Often.