14 Trainers
![Gyarados ex - Mythical Island #018 [RR]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_002320_00_GYARADOSex_RR.png?width=367&height=512)
![Chatot - Mythical Island #062 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_002750_00_PERAP_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Magikarp - Mythical Island #017 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_002310_00_KOIKING_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000030_00_MONSTERBALL_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![X Speed - PROMO-A #002 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000020_00_SPEEDER_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Dome Fossil - Genetic Apex #217 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000090_00_KOURANOKASEKI_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Helix Fossil - Genetic Apex #216 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000080_00_KAINOKASEKI_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Old Amber - Genetic Apex #218 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000100_00_HIMITSUNOKOHAKU_C.png?width=367&height=512)
![Giovanni - Genetic Apex #223 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000150_00_SAKAKI_U.png?width=367&height=512)
![Misty - Genetic Apex #220 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000120_00_KASUMI_U.png?width=367&height=512)
![Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000040_00_HAKASENOKENKYU_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
![Sabrina - Genetic Apex #225 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000170_00_NATSUME_U.png?width=367&height=512)
Another take on the "18 Trainers" style of deck. This deck still has only a singular focus, max Gyarados. However our beginning game plan is to start with chatot and cycle our deck with his attack. While one might initially believe that this would not work out well that is where our fossil package comes in, Since basic fossils can be dismissed at anytime during our turn we can play them and then immediately dismiss them in order to put another fossil in its place. This allows us to make sure we lower our hand in order for chatot to draw us through our deck. It is important however to always keep 1 fossil on our bench to prevent a sabrina forcing our magikarp out into the active. Chatot also can have an effect of luring the opponent to not prioritize attacking it and clearing the field as it does not do damage outright, so our opponent is building Pokémon elsewhere, this helps our gyarados in getting its energy needed to come out swinging. While Gyarados does have a hefty attack cost, when it comes to misty flips usually all you need is a single head in order to be ahead on the curve (but seeing more than 1 makes for a fun bonus).