
Magnezone seems like an odd card to put so high on our tier list; it's not an EX card, and it's honestly not even that allfired strong: sporting a mere 110 damage and 140 HP while also requiring the loss of 1 energy to launch attacks. However, its REAL strength comes from Magneton - Genetic Apex #098 [R]. If you can get Magneton on the field early, it can sit there and generate energy on the bench, easily reaching the 3+ energy necessary to do the job while simultaneously allowing the rest of the deck to do its thing. On top of that, losing Magnezone only nets the opponent 1 point, making it a bit less risky.
Magnezone can slot in to MANY, MANY decks, making it an outstanding option for free bench pressure.
Darkrai EX and MagnezoneGo to Deck

Darkrai EX and Magnezone have stupid-good synergy, though the real highlight card here MAY be Magneton. While Darkrai sets itself up and takes pot-shots, Magneton will generate its own Electric energy, meaning you'll likely have 2 high-performance cards set up and ready to go at about the same time at the cost of 1. Druddigon can act as a powerful wall that racks up bits of damage while everything gets set up.
Note: you should only have Dark energy on this deck, as Magneton is self-sufficient in terms of Electric energy.