Marowak EX

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Tier Rating
B TierMarowak EX is the definition of a high-risk, high-reward archetype. It can potentially hit the field pretty early and with minimal energy investment, and has the ability to absolutely crush just about any Pokemon with just a bit of luck. But that's the key word here: luck. Marowak EX has 25% odds of dealing a whopping 160 damage, 50% odds of dealing a respectable 80 damage, and 25% odds of dealing 0 damage, so you'd better be ready to take some risks if this card is in your deck!
Marowak EX is generally best utilized as either a quick-kill Pokemon that comes in as early as possible in order to score an early win, or packed alongside Machamp EX as a backup win-condition.
Marowak ex + DugtrioGo to Deck

Marowak ex + KabutopsGo to Deck