
[A1] Checkmate Deck

Jan 30
10 Pokémon
6 Items
4 Supporters
Bisharp - Genetic Apex #180 [U]
x 2
Arbok - Genetic Apex #165 [U]
x 2
Ekans - Genetic Apex #164 [C]
x 2
Mew ex - Mythical Island #032 [RR]
x 2
Pawniard - Genetic Apex #179 [C]
x 2
Budding Expeditioner - Mythical Island #066 [U]
x 1
Giovanni - Genetic Apex #223 [U]
x 1
Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]
x 2
Potion - PROMO-A #001 [C]
x 2
Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]
x 1
Sabrina - Genetic Apex #225 [U]
x 1
X Speed - PROMO-A #002 [C]
x 2

The Mew EX solo battles have a lot of Fairy type Pokémon, which are weak to Steel. A1 and A1a lacks in Dark and Steel types, so the combo of the two types is the reason behind this deck.

Mew EX is in there to counter itself.

One last thing, the name: Checkmate because the Pawniard\Bisharp have names based on Shogi chess pieces, Arbok is like a queen that locks your movements and Mew EX is the king of the deck: important and yet fragile.

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