Mar 05
11 Pokémon
3 Items
5 Supporters
Chimchar - Space-Time Smackdown #027 [C]
x 2
Houndoom - Triumphant Light #012 [U]
x 2
Houndour - Triumphant Light #011 [C]
x 2
Infernape ex - Space-Time Smackdown #029 [RR]
x 2
Moltres ex - Genetic Apex #047 [RR]
x 1
Monferno - Space-Time Smackdown #028 [U]
x 2
Dawn - Space-Time Smackdown #154 [U]
x 1
Giant Cape - Space-Time Smackdown #147 [U]
x 1
Leaf - Mythical Island #068 [U]
x 2
Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]
x 2
Pokémon Communication - Space-Time Smackdown #146 [U]
x 1
Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]
x 2

Houndoom Corner + Infernape Fire Blast = almost guaranteed combo against anything Infernape can't knock out on its own. And if you retreat Houndoom with Leaf you can perform the combo again.

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