Blastoise EX
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Tier Rating
B TierBlastoise EX has a bit of an identity crisis. It has more damage-output potential than Venusaur EX, but it lacks the bulk and recovery of its Grass Type counter-part. It has a bit less of an energy-issue than
Charizard EX, but it lacks the sure-kill capability of Pokemon's secondary mascot. All-in-all, its niche falls a little bit short of much of its direct competition, making it the mediocre middle pick when building a deck around the Kanto starters.
However, the raw utility behind how easily energy flows in Water decks has slowly begun making Blastoise more and more viable. It's still not exceptional, but it's definitely aging better than some other EX cards from the game's release.
Blastoise ex + MeowthGo to Deck