Pokemon TCG Pocket Wiki Overview and Guide

Pokemon TCG Pocket has been freely available for close to 2 weeks now, and in that time we’ve had a lot of fun with new events and lots of cards to pick up as we all frantically try to build our decks exactly how we want them. And throughout this whole time, from day 1 until the present, the Pokemon TCG Pocket Wiki has been here. Everyone working on this site is legitimately excited to be a part of the outstanding community for this game, and it’s our hope that our various tools and resources have been not only useful, but also at least a bit fun as a companion to the game itself. And so, we wanted to share a bit more about what this site has to offer, and hopefully make a few of the potentially more complex parts of the site a little easier to navigate and use. For that reason, we’ve put together this quick guide that will look at the six major features of the TCG Pocket Wiki that we currently have to offer: the Collection Tracker, the
Pack Simulator, the
Decks page, the
Archetypes page, the
Decks, and the
Cards page. And while even more features are on the way, we felt like this was a good point to take a good look at just what we currently have to offer.
Collection Tracker
The Collection Tracker is a place where you can register the cards that you’ve managed to pull in-game for the sake of keeping track of what you have/still need at a glance, as well as sharing your collection with friends for comparison or just to show off a bit. We have various filters that can be used to narrow down your search. Filters and modifiers include filtering by card type and rarity, viewing all cards owned and unowned alike via the Expansion View switch, and even narrowing the search down to various categories such as Trainer Cards, Items, and EX Pokemon cards. And if you don’t want to search the entire set of 286 cards via filters alone, a simple Search function can easily bring up any card in the game. Each pack type has its own category to make it a bit easier to see at a glance what you still need in order to complete your collection, making pull-priorities a bit more obvious than searching through the odds list for each of the packs that we have available in-game right now.
So what do you need to do in order to take advantage of this feature? Just register for the site, and you’re good to go!
Once you’ve registered, 100% of the tools listed in this article become 100% accessible. We’re not asking for money, personal information, or literally anything else. This site is intended as a community service, and we’re proud to offer it to the community!
While robust at the moment, this tool is actually in its infancy at the moment. Our developers are currently hard at work making new features that will tie into the Collection Tracker directly, making way for new tools such as a Pull Planner that will take a closer look at what you currently have/need in order to make it a bit easier to see what packs to focus on in order to reach your goal, as well as a Deck Planner that will allow you to look at decks that are listed on the site and tell you what cards you’re currently missing, and where to find them. So keep an eye on this feature, as it’s on its way to becoming something really special!
Pack Simulator
Let’s be honest: at times it can be a little hard to determine just what the actual odds of getting an individual card is in a pull due to each of the 5 card slots given out in a pack carrying their own unique pool and odds. Well, using the Pack Simulator, you can open as many packs as you like from Pokemon TCG Pocket using the exact same odds that the game uses. Doing so also keeps track of your pulls, telling you statistics like number of packs that you’ve opened, the number of Pack Points you would have earned up to this point in the game, the exact cards that you’ve managed to pull up to that point along with their rarity, and even how much money you would have spent on pulls if you were buying them with Poke Gold. To top it all off, you can also specifically choose to open a coveted Rare Pack, simulating the joy of opening a pack filled with nothing but rare, holographic cards.
Overall, this is a great resource for getting an idea as to what a pull may realistically give, and can also be great for scratching that itch that comes when you desperately want to spend your hourglasses, but also want to save for our next Booster set. Something that I have absolutely no experience with myself.
The Decks page is where we get into what’s currently the real meat of what we have to offer. Using this feature, it’s possible to reproduce literally any deck that’s possible to make in Pokemon TCG Pocket in order to share with friends, or display for the world to see.
With tools similar to the Collection Tracker, it’s possible to search through every card that currently exists within Pokemon TCG Pocket, and build your 20-card deck with ease. You can name your deck, choose which Energy type(s) it runs on, and even set the category to make it clear at a glance what the anchor strategy of your deck is. You can choose to make your new deck public or private, and even add your own personal description to help make the strategy clear. Once that’s done, you’ll get your own personal link to share your deck with others, and it will show up on the actual Deck List if you’ve set it as Public!
The Archetypes page goes a little deeper than basic deck-building, while fully incorporating it at the same time. So what exactly is an archetype? An archetype basically describes the anchoring strategy that makes a deck work. While there are countless decks that could conceivably be built in Pokemon TCG Pocket, an effective deck will almost always focus on at least one well established strategy, usually a powerful Pokemon or Pokemon combo, in order to do its job. By breaking down decks into Archetypes, it’s easy to check on various strategies that players have tacked on to the game’s heavy hitters in order to allow their decks to handle specific situations, or do unique things when needed. This is a great place to get a bit of inspiration for deck building, or to browse decks built by other players that fit your specific criteria.
Deck Tier List
Let’s be honest for a second; a lot of players are interested first-and-foremost in finding a good Deck Tier List in order to ensure that they don’t waste their hard-earned hourglasses, as well as to know what cards to aim for. Well, we’ve got you very much covered here, as our tier list covers every major archetype in the game.
Despite being called a "Deck" tier list, the focus is actually more on archetypes, as listed above. Each archetype has its own rating, and a page that will list various features of said archetype. Each page will also include one or more example decks, highlighting different strategies that can arise within a given archetype.
On the Archetype Tier List, we do our best to highlight what makes a given type of deck strong, as well as what’s likely to give it problems when put into practice. To demonstrate this, we also include a set of exemplary decks that focus on the given archetype. And it’s worth mentioning that we do take decks made by our users and feature them on the tier list, so be sure to make your best decks on the site, and we may just use them as an example!
The last section that we have to talk about right now is our Cards List. On this page, we have literally every single card listed that’s currently in the game, including currently unreleased cards that were included in the most recent patch, all shown in their full, stunning detail. Like with the Collection Tracker, you can narrow down your search with various filters, and click on any card in the collection to visit its page.
On this page, you can see all of the statistical information on a given card, what packs it can be found in, what featured decks it may be included in, and even related cards/alternate artwork variants that can be picked up. All-in-all, you can garner virtually everything about a given card from its page, and any individual card can easily be accessed via our Cards list.
Oh, you can also move your mouse or finger over the card art on individual pages to move them around exactly like you can in-game. This may not be super useful, but it’s a lot of fun!
Hopefully, this overview of what the TCG Wiki has to offer has made it a bit easier to see what can be done, as well as a bit about what the future is set to hold. With the success of Pokemon TCG Pocket, we’re sure to have a lot of updates to the game on the horizon, and we plan to keep the Wiki up to date with each new set of cards. So, for now, best of luck in the Apex Emblem event. Take a look at our Tier List if you’re having trouble scoring the 45 wins needed to get your emblem, and in the mean-time, make your favorite deck on the site and post it in the comments. I’d love to see the decks that you’re having luck with, and will start the ball rolling by posting a deck of my own.