Tier Rating
C Tier

Melmetal is currently the lone saving grace of the otherwise sub-optimal Metal Type. The point of any Melmetal deck is simple; get Meltan on the field early in the game where it's usually still safe to use Amass and generate Steel energy quickly, then evolve it into Melmetal to utilize its ability-boosted bulk and high attack damage to clear the field. It's worth noting that it's probably best to evolve an active Meltan on your second turn if it's in any real danger in order to to protect it, then let it tank a turn before Melmetal begins its assault. If the cards are in your favor, then Melmetal can rival many EX cards, and can set up as early as your 3rd active turn.

However, getting Melmetal on the field does take some luck with your draws, and having to switch it out can be devastating to its future viability unless you stack on X Speed cards. It also fares best against decks that utilize lower damage-output EX options like Pikachu EX or Starmie EX so that Hard Coat can do its job. Even then, losing a Meltan with energy already on it can end your run, and a sub-optimal opening turns can leave many Melmetal decks DOA against even decks that it could otherwise crush or rival.