Pure Melmetal
Nov 18
![Mawile - Genetic Apex #178 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_001780_00_KUCHEAT_C.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Melmetal - Genetic Apex #182 [R]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_001820_00_MELMETAL_R.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Bisharp - Genetic Apex #180 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_001800_00_KIRIKIZAN_U.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Meltan - Genetic Apex #181 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_001810_00_MELTAN_C.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Pawniard - Genetic Apex #179 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/PokeCard_cPK_10_001790_00_KOMATANA_C.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000030_00_MONSTERBALL_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Potion - PROMO-A #001 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000010_00_KIZUGUSURI_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Red Card - PROMO-A #006 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000070_00_REDCARD_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Giovanni - Genetic Apex #223 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000150_00_SAKAKI_U.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_90_000040_00_HAKASENOKENKYU_C_Full.png?width=367&height=512)
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![Sabrina - Genetic Apex #225 [U]](https://static.mana.wiki/tcgwiki-pokemonpocket/TrainerCard_cTR_10_000170_00_NATSUME_U.png?width=367&height=512)
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A pure-Metal deck is easy to overlook, but it can be effective. The goal here is the same as most Melmetal decks; get Meltan on the field, and build energy with Amass. However, this deck can also potentially stall out the opponent and build up Melmetal on the bench, as Mawile has the ability to force a stale-mate if it comes in against an opponent with an energy deficit of 1 or more energy as a good coin flip discards 1 energy. Add to that a relatively low-cost Bisharp to clean up the field or do a bit of damage before Melmetal begins its rampage, and this deck can actually clean up pretty nicely, and potentially disrupt long enough for its headliner to come in and start doing its job.