Lapras ex & Starmie ex
![Frosmoth - Genetic Apex #093 [U]](
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![Lapras ex - PROMO-A #014 [RR]](
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![Poliwrath - Genetic Apex #061 [R]](
![Psyduck - Genetic Apex #057 [C]](
![Starmie - Genetic Apex #075 [U]](
![Starmie ex - Genetic Apex #076 [RR]](
![Staryu - Genetic Apex #074 [C]](
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![Misty - Genetic Apex #220 [U]](
![Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]](
![Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]](
![Sabrina - Genetic Apex #225 [U]](
Side note: (Lapras ex is Unobtainable as of 11/18/2024).
This is my take of the Infamous Lapras ex and Starmie ex Deck from the Promo event. Two Staryu are in play so one of two Options occur.
Option 1: Evolve The First Staryu into Starmie and get some decent hits for 1 Water Energy.
Option 2: Stall with Starmie while building up Starmie ex on the Bench. Both Starmie Have No Retreat Cost, so when one is ready, send out Starmie ex for some Good Damage.
Now We Move Onto Lapras ex. Lapras ex is a Decent Card, but also very dangerous to set up. Its Bubble Drain is a Good Healing Move to stall against a few Electric Type Moves, But if you need to retreat it, then you need to use Three Energy, which inconveniently is the cost of Bubble Drain. Plan Your Energy Setups Carefully, And you might be able to Retreat Lapras ex, and have an Energy-Filled Starmie ex ready to go!
Overall, The Deck is versatile to use. While it has its problems against some decks, it's a solid deck for anyone who has the promo of Lapras ex.