
[A1] Birdkeeper Deck

Jan 30
10 Pokémon
6 Items
4 Supporters
Pidgeot ex - Mythical Island #059 [RR]
x 1
Farfetch’d - Genetic Apex #198 [C]
x 2
Fearow - Genetic Apex #192 [C]
x 1
Pidgeot - Genetic Apex #188 [R]
x 1
Pidgeotto - Genetic Apex #187 [C]
x 2
Pidgey - Mythical Island #057 [C]
x 2
Spearow - Genetic Apex #191 [C]
x 1
Blue - Mythical Island #067 [U]
x 1
Giovanni - Genetic Apex #223 [U]
x 1
Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]
x 1
Pokémon Flute - Mythical Island #064 [U]
x 1
Potion - PROMO-A #001 [C]
x 2
Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]
x 2
X Speed - PROMO-A #002 [C]
x 2

I wanted to make a Colorless deck and decide to make a birb deck. The main entry is made of Pidgeot and Pidgeot EX. Fartech'd is a great help in the first turns and Fearow is here to give some nuisance to your opponent.

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