Starmie EX

Starmie EX is one of the few archetypes that can rival Pikachu EX in terms of quick-kill potential and flexibility. It loses a few points due to its status as a Stage 1 Pokemon, but it also gains a few points due to its 0 retreat cost. Don't think that Starmie EX is a poor-man's Pikachu EX, as Water brings an entirely new set of support that can really differentiate this archetype from the competition, and a fully set up Starmie EX can be a frightening foe to face that can go all-in frighteningly quickly.
Recently, Starmie has become less the headliner of decks and more a solid secondary option due to how flexible it is. It's still strong, but Water has kind of gone crazy as of late, so it's not always optimal.
Starmie ex + Articuno exGo to Deck

Starmie ex - Greninja variantGo to Deck

Starmie ex - TurboGo to Deck

Focuses on quickly evolving Staryu into Starmie EX. With Staryu being the only Stage 1, you're guaranteed one in your opening hand. Helix Fossil and Omanyte serve as backup attackers and retreat options if Starmie EX falls.