
[A1] Articuno EX Deck

Jan 30
9 Pokémon
5 Items
6 Supporters
Articuno ex - Genetic Apex #084 [RR]
x 1
Bruxish - Genetic Apex #091 [U]
x 1
Froakie - Genetic Apex #087 [C]
x 1
Frogadier - Genetic Apex #088 [U]
x 1
Greninja - Genetic Apex #089 [R]
x 1
Starmie ex - Genetic Apex #076 [RR]
x 1
Staryu - Genetic Apex #074 [C]
x 1
Tentacool - Genetic Apex #062 [C]
x 1
Tentacruel - Genetic Apex #063 [U]
x 1
Giovanni - Genetic Apex #223 [U]
x 1
Misty - Genetic Apex #220 [U]
x 2
Poké Ball - PROMO-A #005 [C]
x 2
Potion - PROMO-A #001 [C]
x 1
Professor’s Research - PROMO-A #007 [C]
x 1
Sabrina - Genetic Apex #225 [U]
x 2
X Speed - PROMO-A #002 [C]
x 2

Everyone has a role and in this deck every Pokémon is unique. The deck works in multiple levels to give a more dynamic choice of battle, based on the cards obtained.

Bruxish is a revenger that can deal a lot of damage after Greninja Ability or Articuno's Blizzard or Tentacruel's poison.

Starmie is an heavy hitter, useful to take down wall and opening the way to Articuno.

Articuno is the jewel of this diamond dust.

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