
Blaine offers the largest damage-boost among any Trainer Moves right now, and he boosts two Pokemon that are a bit under-powered, but surprisingly adaptable and easy to use. If one of these decks manage to get Ninetales out early, then it's basically the same thing as getting Pikachu EX or
Starmie EX on the field, but with less HP, higher energy requirement due to throwing away Fire energy every turn, and higher potential damage output thanks to Blaine. In fact, Ninetales' damage output can go as high as 120 damage pretty easily, maiming or KOing most EX Pokemon, and outright taking out most non-EX Pokemon. On the other hand, Rapidash is super easy to get out and set up, and goes from 40 to 70 damage with Blaine tacked on. This is simultaneously a poor man's Pikachu EX, and so much more, in part due to the fact that the opponent is taking a risk any time that they throw out an injured Pokemon to tank a hit or two, as Blaine can suddenly change the balance of power at any time.
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