Exeggutor EX

Exeggutor EX can be easy to overlook as "good" EX Pokemon that can fit into grass teams easily due to its low energy investment. And, honestly, that's not wrong. Exeggutor EX fits in Venusaur EX decks beautifully for that exact reason. However, Exeggutor can also work very well as its own archetype, as it can come in as early as a player's second turn and start swinging for 40-80 damage. If the opponent lacks some defensive play options, then an early-game Exeggutor EX can easily clear the board long before the opposition is set up.
Exeggutor EX is also aging like fine wine. While less the headliner than it was at the start of the game, it still stands as a very low cost wall with potentially devastating damage output. If an Exeggutor can hit the field early, then it could very well turn the tide of the fight.
Celebi EX + Exeggutor EXGo to Deck

An example of a Celibi EX/Exeggutor EX deck. Exeggutor EX makes a FANTASTIC wall with high damage and an extremely low energy cost attached. Getting it on the field early can make it easy to get a lot of energy on Celebi EX. The rest of the cards are purely here to try to get what you want on the field and support the overall strategy.