Wigglytuff EX

Wigglytuff EX is an interesting card that can set up some interesting scenarios. It lacks the immediate power and ease of setup of quick-kill archetypes like Pikachu EX or
Starmie EX, and it also lacks the late-game supremacy of
Mewtwo EX or
Charizard EX. It's honestly a bit more of a mid-game card most of the time due to its 3-energy cost with decent bulk and relatively low damage-output. So why is Wigglytuff EX worthy of consideration? Because of its adaptability and unpredictability.
Wigglytuff EX is a typeless card that uses 3 typeless energy for its attacking move, Sleepy Song. And while it doesn't generally fit in super well as a side-EX to decks of other types due to its relatively high energy cost and lack of energy support for its type, it has the advantage of being able to work well with strong supportive Pokemon from literally any type, giving decks that focus on Wigglytuff EX a lot of supportive options to choose from.
And then there's the matter of Sleepy Song. While the power of this move is a bit low for its cost, as stated, the fact that it's guaranteed to inflict Sleep means that Wigglytuff EX can potentially come in on disadvantage and still score a win, or come in with advantage and take down something that could easily one-hit KO it like a fully setup Mewtwo EX or Charizard EX. This is compounded by the fact that a sleeping Pokemon can't switch out, meaning Wigglytuff EX can potentially keep singing its song until even a vastly superior Pokemon faints, and the opponent is left powerless to stop it... unless they evolve their Pokemon, which cancels all status.
All of that said, is Wigglytuff EX a perfect archetype that everyone should build/prepare for? Definitely not. Using Wigglytuff relies heavily on coin flips for success, and our team option pool is actually pretty shallow right now despite its potential adaptability advantages. It also has to watch out for whatever's coming in after its sleeping target is put down, so it requires a fair bit of situational awareness to play right. But still, there are few joys in this game more fulfilling than cheesing out a win that you know in your heart you should not have been able to pull off thanks to one final coin flip turning up tails!
When building your Wigglytuff EX deck, you have two choices for its pre-evolution: Jigglypuff - Genetic Apex #193 [C] and
Jigglypuff - PROMO-A #022 [C]. In general, the Promo card is preferable due to its ability to put the opponent to sleep with just 1 energy cost, which means there's a 50/50 shot at it not even taking any damage. But the 10 extra HP on the Genetic Apex version makes it a little harder to take down situationally. This isn't super useful on its own most of the time, but it's something.
Wigglytuff ex + WeezingGo to Deck

Wigglytuff ex + FrosmothGo to Deck

We do be having funGo to Deck

Have fun with your luck while opponents fix their sleeping schedule
Bisharp is here to do some damages if, for any reasons, you can't play your Wiggly
You can swap Pawniard and Bisharp by Drowzee and Hypno if you want to maximize the sleeping process
Use only Metal energy, even if you play Drowzee-Hypno, because you want to be able to put pressure on the opponent asap with Mawhile while you build up your Puff-Tuff (and Hypno if you play it)
Deck is too luck based and lacks powerful attacks but heh you never know when the coin's spirit will be on your side
Also, with the new Jigglypuff, you can put opponent's Pokémon to sleep earlier so it can be of use if you have nothing else for a start. I do prefer it but the other one can be good too, thanks to 10 more HP, depending on the situation.