Weavile EX

Weavile EX draws comparisons to two or three existing cards: the first is either Pikachu EX or
Starmie EX due to having the primary goal of getting out fast in order to dismantle the opponent while taking minimal resources. The second is
Exeggutor EX due to being a 2-stage with low cost that can tank in the early game and deal relatively high damage to dismantle many decks before they can get going.
Honestly, Weavile is definitely good, but just a bit short of being truly GREAT. Its greatest claim to fame is how incredibly well it works with Darkrai EX, though it has competition on that front.
Darkrai EX and Weavile EXGo to Deck

Darkrai EX and Weavile EX have a lot of synergy. The former can sit on the bench and set up while dealing damage, making way for Weavile EX to come in early and start mowing the lawn. Rocky Helmet also helps with chip damage. Spiritomb may seem like a slightly odd pick here, but it serves two purposes: first is as an early-game wall with a low retreat cost. If you put a Giant Cape on it, then it reaches the coveted 100 HP benchmark, allowing it to survive at least one attack before dropping against the majority of decks. it also hits the entire bench for 10 damage, which opens the field for Weavile EX to hit for maximum damage, and for Cyrus to pull in any card at will.